Tuesday, February 2, 2010

okay, enough already

So... Ashley has been busy posting videos and what not with her new obsession of youtube (I'm trying not to curse the day I showed her how to do that). Anyway, recently I've become OBSESSED with this website woot.com! It has little electronics and gadgets for really cheap... long story, short... I find myself buying things I don't want OR need? I may need an intervention. I recently purchased these oven mitts??

and earlier I purchased a tiny tripod... (seriously who buys this stuff) why, you ask? I have no idea . . . First of all, I hardly ever cook/bake so I don't really need oven mitts but for some reason I couldn't live without them....so while I deal with this temporary insanity, if you have a birthday in the near future be prepared to receive something you never wanted/needed..... First step to recovery is identifying there is a problem, right?


Michael and Julie said...

oh my gosh! we totally woot (do you love how i just turned that into a verb?) - and this morning, michael said, "oh my gosh! who would buy oven mitts on-line!!!!"

kallee said...

I know right? I need an intervention quick!

Molly said...

I woot! Got Bailee's carseat on woot! Totally sad that I missed the ipod tv thing the other day!

Molly said...

Hey -- love the 3 columns!!!

Michelle said...

K-I just saw an AMAZING thing on T.V. that cracks eggs and thought of you!haha You can get through this, KALLEE!:)

Sheina T. said...


Do you even know what an oven looks like? : )