Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's official, I'm getting married....

Yeah, I'm basically in love! The wedding will be in pack your bags! JUST KIDDING! Aunt Liz, Susan, Kallee, and myself had a girls night out last night and went and saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. I loved it! And I'm now positive that Kostos and I are meant for each other! If I can't have Edward Cullen, Kostos will due...and I do LOVE his accent! :)

All in all, good times were had for all!


Anonymous said...

Who is that? He is very handsome. Actually, I know Ashley likes Twillight, but I think this guy looks like a better Edward than the guy in the movie. What do you think? Ashley, let me know when you finish the book. I am just bursting to talk to someone about it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley, I'm so glad you finished the book! It turned out exactly right, even though I didn't know how she was going to put Jacob in the picture. Because I was irritated that he was always there and she liked him so much. This was the perfect way to end it! And I know soooooo want to be vampire! She makes it sound so cool. Well yea!!! I am kind-of sad that it is over though, but at least it ends perfect and I feel satisfied with every that happens. .... I sound like a big nerd!