Monday, May 19, 2008

Make-Over Time!

So, Kallee insisted that I become part of the "blogger" world... and let's be honest this blog wouldn't be nearly as exciting w/out me! :) So when she invited me to be a "contributor" I jumped on the bandwagon. This way I can defend myself when she writes RUDE things about me.

Anywho, this weekend was quite eventful! Especially since Kallee decided to join the dark side.... hair that is. :)

I can't quite figure out how the pictures work, so this will have to work for now! The above pic is the after product and below is before... can you tell a difference??? I personally do LOVE it!!! And yes, Kallee does have longggg hair... sheesh, that's what everyone is saying these days! And yes, I might be a tad bit jealous! But I'm not going to admit it! hahaha!

Anyway, since Kallee keeps reminding me that this week is her "birthday week" and I can't say anything too rude! But you better watch out when this week ends! grrrrrr!!! :) j/k!


kallee said...

Uhh-- I don't remember "insisting" that you join the blogger world... but welcome, none the less!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Kallee!! We love you!