Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Riddle Time

What does
(2 smokin' hot ladies)

Here we come! :)


Den Mother said...

Do you guys need a chaperone? I gladly volunteer!!

Michelle said...

Ok, that was just mean to even post such a thing, since poor people like me can't afford to go to such a place.:) When's the big day???? How exciting for you guys!

Jana Sorensen said...

LUCKY.....yes when is the big date? Maybe I should come along and we call it nieces you think Grandma could hook me up with tickets? "Who loves Grandma?"

Ira and Claudia said...

When are you going? What a rough life you have. I am not Hawaiian, but I can fake the looks and I can be your "tour guide" ok I'm done day dreaming. Have a lot of and let's get together please!!!