Monday, December 29, 2008

Hey You Guys . . . .

Quick update on what we've been up to these past couple days. We just got back from our Mexican cruise over Christmas. Actually, we got back on the 26th-- but then had a short trip to Orderville to visit the Sorensen's!! We had a good time on the cruise, but it sure didn't seem like Christmas on the ship. Our days were filled with eating and sleeping and our nights were filled with eating and entertainment:) Needless to say we did ALOT of eating... We ended up not getting to see Catalina Island due to the massive waves so we went straight to Ensenada, Mexico. There we went on a Jeep Adventure through Ensenada... it was fun and we got to see quite a bit of the city and did a little bartering with the locals! Then we got back on the boat and headed back to Long Beach. It was a fun time, but alot colder than I expected. We never put on our swimsuits and laid out in sweatshirts and jackets. We did get to caught up on our reading and relaxing so that was fun.

I've been trying to upload some of our pics, but my parents computer is having some issues??? So they will have to wait...sorry! Anyway, I'm just in Idaho for the rest of the week enjoying the winter weather (and by enjoying I mean FREEZING)! Ashley had to go back to work today so she is back in Vegas-- she is probably missing me pretty bad by now, so if you have a chance, go ahead and give her a call so she doesn't get too lonely :)

Anyway, hope everyone had a good Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Michael and Julie said...

Welcome back to reality. Hope you stay a while.